After a busy year end for two parents and another pre-christmas Covid surge I hadn't gotten around to booking a Father Christmas visit. So cue a google hunt to find where in the UK can we see live Reindeer. Thats when I discovered Cotswold Reindeer Herd. The herd started with just one pair of Reindeer, after a trip to the Arctic to increase the herd and subsequent calving of their own, this is now one of the largest permanent herds of reindeer in the UK. Aside from Christmas throughout the year they do educational visits to schools. I found out for example that a Reindeer can reach speeds of 50mph!.
You get half an hour with the herd and can feed them Reindeer moss, which they love! They are not shy at all and will let you stroke them. Their antlers are so majestic and one chap lost his the day before so we could hold them, they were huge!. This was a lovely activity to do and still brought a little piece of Christmas magic into the children's lives. There is also a shop that sells items made from the Reindeers antlers. There is also a lovely pub opposite called The Crown for you to have a refreshment stop after to warm yourselves up again.
If you can get the chance to visit on the lead up to Christmas I thoroughly recommend as a safe outdoor activity.
